Top 10 in London series introduction

At the beginning of what became the 19 months we spent living in London my friend Helen suggested we make a list of all the things we wanted to do while we were over there and really make an effort to work through them. Otherwise it’s all too easy to be sucked into the black hole that is the London weekly work routine, which can be surprisingly difficult to break free from. We wrote up a list as Helen suggested, added to it whenever friends or co-workers gave us any new ideas, and did our best to work through as many things as possible.

We did a pretty good job! In the end we managed to tick off 81% of the things on our list of 150 – an average of 1-2 per week. We visited most of London’s main tourist attractions as well as many other lesser known places. Given that there are so many fantastic museums, galleries, theatres, cafes, restaurants, markets, shops and parks to visit in London it’s too difficult to narrow our favourites down to an overall top 10, so I’m going to break them down into categories which I’ll cover in a series of posts:

The lists will be based on our own personal tastes and experiences and therefore quite biased – not just a replication of what you’ll see in the guidebooks (although there’s a reason why some things do appear in those so you probably will see a bit of crossover). Hopefully there will be plenty of things you haven’t heard of – even if you live in London yourself! Stay tuned and enjoy!

8 thoughts on “Top 10 in London series introduction

    • All the other trips we did from London that I consider worth recommending were for a weekend or longer, so yup – only 5 for single day trips. Otherwise I’d be padding it out with stuff we didn’t actually get around to doing ourselves. :) But feel free to chime in with your own when the time comes!

  1. Pingback: Top 10 free things to do in London | dinosaurs can't knit

  2. Pingback: Top 10 paid things to do in London | dinosaurs can't knit

  3. Pingback: Top 10 markets and shops to browse in London | dinosaurs can't knit

  4. Pingback: Top 10 Parks and Gardens in London | dinosaurs can't knit
